Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Help You Break the Gambling Habit


Almost anyone can be affected by excessive gambling. The emotional consequences of gambling are similar to the effects of regular gambling. If you are one of the millions of people who regularly gamble, then you know the impact of this addictive habit. If you suffer from gambling disorder, therapy may help you reduce your urges. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one effective way to change the way you think about gambling. Listed below are some tips to help you break the gambling habit.

Problems caused by excessive gambling

Gambling is a global concern that ranges from harmless pastime to pathological behavior. Excessive gambling has negative consequences for individuals, families, and society as a whole. Gambling is becoming increasingly prevalent online, as mainstream social media platforms expose users to gambling activities and content. Many of these social media sites are used by young people who report experiencing problems as a result of excessive gambling. Listed below are some of the most common problems associated with excessive gambling.

Treatment options

There are many treatment options for gambling addiction, including individual and group therapy. The most common form of therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy, which focuses on challenging harmful gambling thoughts and behaviors. Psychotherapy may help individuals overcome gambling addiction by addressing triggers and their underlying emotional issues. Behavioral interventions, such as motivational interviewing, may also be helpful. The goal of any gambling treatment program is to help clients regain control of their lives.

Addiction to gambling

It is important to recognize that addiction to gambling is a mental disorder and should be treated as such. Gamblers will constantly tell themselves and others that they will stop when they get a win. It is common for them to tell themselves that they will stop next time and that they will have a better time this time. These excuses are often effective for a while. However, they are not healthy for the body and mind. A professional should be consulted before gambling addicts begin to use these excuses.

Social games as a form of gambling

While social games may seem like a strange form of gambling, they have several advantages. While these games are free to play, they still generate money from advertising and in-game benefits. As a result, as much as 20 percent of players buy in-game enhancements with real money. While the games may not actually be considered gambling, the psychological rewards of playing them may outweigh their negative effects. Thus, social games are also considered a viable form of entertainment for people who want to get away from the stresses and rigors of real-life gambling.

Medications used to treat gambling addiction

Medications for gambling addiction often target underlying psychiatric disorders. In some cases, these conditions drive the compulsive gambling behavior. If one of these disorders is present, medications that block the receptors of opioids and glutamate can reduce cravings for addictive substances. These drugs can be very helpful in reducing the urge to gamble. If you suffer from compulsive gambling, it’s important to seek medical advice.